Sunday 12 April 2015

Is 'Light' really light? Ancel Keys, The Liar

Do you know who actually said that the fat is bad? No? Never heard about this guy? Why am I not surprised...

His name is Ancel Keys. He is a professor of the University of Minnesota who became a star in the domain of medicine. The medicine nowadays is still based on his research. He managed to change everything that was seen before as something healthy into something toxic.

Because the fat is very important for our bodies. It was always considered as  something valuable for us. And then he managed to make us think that the fat is harmful – not only normal people, like me and you, changed their opinion, but also the specialists in nutrition. We listen to them and try to accord our diet to what they recommend. And that's how he changed our daily way of eating. Did avoiding fat make us slimmer and healthier? No, the opposite – fatter and sicker.

How is it possible that he got so succesful with this big lie? He based his theory on a research. It was called the Seven Countries Study, that was published in 1980 – the first study that related diet with health, especially with the cardiovascular disease. He believed that the more fat people eat, the higher is the risk of heart diseases.

The problem is that this study is based only on data from seven countries. In total he examined people from 22 countries. Why is it called then the Seven Countries Study? Because Mr Keys didn't want to show the results that hadn't proven his hypothesis! Here is the diagram:

So what is really harmful and why? I'm going to tell you the next time.

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