Monday 9 March 2015

Overweight and obesity

In Great Britain 60% of adults and over 30% of children are overweight or obese. The problem of obesity grows quickly all around the world. The scientist are particulary concerned about children and they estimate that if kids will keep getting fat as fast as now, they will die even before their parents.

I'm sure that many of you at least once tried to be on a diet. Did it really work? Did your body stayed slim for long? Why the diets don't always work?

When you go on a diet your brain gets a message: „There will be no energy delivery! You have to get ready to survive! Red alert!” And you know that the brain controls the whole body. Is it possible that your brain gets wrong messages, that it is manipulated, that it sends you no message if you are full or still hungry?

The study by Achim Peters shows that it's also the stress that makes us fat. When we are stressed, in our body are produced some hormons that make us eat more. But stress might be caused not only by a situation in our life, the cause might be in food that we eat. Robert Lustig says that the industrial food and so-called 'Western diet' are killing us. Nowadays no one cares if we can digest easily the product or if it is good for us. The most important for the producers is that it survives the transport, it's cheap and non-perishable. And to make it so, it has to contain some chemical aid – preservatives and/or artificial additives. And they are the factor that makes our brain confused and we get overweight.

Based on: Hans-Ulrich Grimm, Die Kalorienlüge: Wie uns die Nahrungsindustrie dick macht, Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag, München, 2007, p. 16-26.

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